Thursday, May 6, 2010


I could write thousand lines without getting tired
I could run a whole mile without getting exhausted
I could tell you million reasons why do I get hurt
Still, things are too late to change

Because I might loose the script when I meet you on the stage
I might loose the tie that keep us in this whole package
I might dry on water to drench the flowers on the empty bottle
I might loose all the strings that keep us in sync

I might be wrong
The truth came after so long
I'm not that strong
I don't know where to carry this on

Why don't you just spoil it out in the first place?
What was the purpose of creating this whole mess
Because I except no lies from you
Don't you know how much faith I believe in you?

Don't you ever love me?
Like a newborn baby in the hands of her Mommy
Don't you ever feel happy?
Just to have someone sincere for company

Maybe it could have been me
It was my mistake to begin with
Maybe I demanded too big
It counterattacked me without mercy

It could have been you
You are not sure what you want to
You never knew how much I gave you
Regardless of physics that may have blind you

In the end lessons will be gained
In the end, would we still be friends?



Nabi mencintai Sahabatnya
Nabi mencintai Istrinya
Nabi mencintai Umatnya
Nabi mencintai segenap Dunia
Maka Tuhan memberi Nabi cintaNya

Ibu mencintai Anaknya
Ibu mencintai Ibunya
Ibu mencintai Saya
Tanpa harap balasan Jasa
Maka Tuhan memberi Ibu cintaNya

Saya mencintai Anda
Saya mencintai Sahabat saya
Saya ikhlas memberi cinta pada Anda
Keikhlasan Anda penuh tanda tanya
Semoga Tuhan tetap memberi cintaNya pada Anda



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