Thursday, March 4, 2010

Singapore, 2 March 2010

Is it okay if I hope if things will go better on Obama's reign? I dunno, is it me who was still really young at the time so I don't really understand anything, or the world really began to screwed since Bush took the charge? I notice, aside the sexual scandal thing, nothing much is happening during Clinton's regiment. Things really began to screwed up on Bush's. Terrorism, big-frontal-eye-opening war, economic breakdown, and everything. I thought we had enough with antisemitism, now we're creating Islamophobia. Yet perverted Shinto and Hindu never bug those extremist. Not religiously speaking, it's just weird. It's not 'not fair' either, it's just weird.

I may not jumped on problems like this but the thing is USA is the most (or probably obsessed to be the most) influential nation that ever existed. They put their asses to almost any problem in every single part of world. I remember once I read about this article, but there is this concept that the Americans created that their government will save the other nations. That would be a missionary concept thing to motivate them to excel and created what they have become now. US has great hold of the UN, US buddies other large countries on Europe, they have this "secret societies" going on, and whatever mystery that CIA beholds. (Let's just say that US is a) He pretty much holds everything in the world so if they tell to cut the world in a half most people would likely do it, even if most people opposes, Americans always have the way to prevent opposition to happen. So if another extremist person rules dear brother USA, you can guess what will happen.

Come to think of it, things are quite good enough in Suharto's reign. Until for whatever--wait, Suharto was accused for doing in-authority corruption wasn't it? Somehow I feel that this might have some connection to the raise of SBY and that shadowy organization who controls him. They let Indonesia suffer a little bit until they finally get their hands on the government then start to build Indonesia the way that they thing would be best...

But of course, that was just my work of fanfiction. I don't know what's happening either and the fanfiction I just created on previous paragraph has too many plot holes, perhaps you can use it to oppose me or fill the holes instead. Or perhaps I just miss the 90s. 90s was the nicest.

While were on the 90s, I still remember about the 98 riot. I hid under my bed and my dad was quite a figure in his job, made us having one of the latest BMW as our family vehicle. Then there was this gossip about how the wealthy will have their house burnt by the masses, it definitely scared me. Not that I superficially enjoy my dad's wealth (I'm not even aware of it, they never gave me much toys as my friends does so I think we were pretty ordinary), but I just didn't want a simple stupid reason like having a BMW in our garage allows strangers to burn your house and family down. Hell, I didn't even knew what was the market of BMW at the time. All I know that that car is super cozy and homely and no one lay hands on my family. What more can a 8 year old little girl could think at the time? So I found that experience was rather abusive than traumatic. Do you imagine how many children suffered the same fear at the time? Ruthless adults, I thought. But perhaps this is just the way the world goes.

Oh, I kinda have a question as well. Is it me or is it like there was this kind of magic that lets Noordin M. Top (my dear sworn enemy since high school, yea, he made my life hell back then *lol*) captured only a month after the second Mariott bombing on 2009. Weirdly enough, it was done by the special force team that was built 7 years prior (just a year after the first Bali 2002 bombing) to the raid and trained by the US National Services. I remember my brother who is as just as freakishly into social science as I am jumped at me telling Noordin M. Top has just been captured. He said, "You have to see this special force! They trained by the CIA!". While he opened wiki and other articles, I sat down and made my own rebus bubble: (Terrorist+relatively new special force+relatively fast investigation+US Government=????).

You might wanna help me find the answers. Algebra alone cannot define the answer and nothing justifies the right or wrong. In the end of the day, we just believe want we want to believe after all.

Generally, US is not entirely bad. They created things I adore and like for years. But sometimes, growing up as an adult makes you sees the point of view you don't want to see and it rapes you, in a sense. Not that I changed my point of view, but sometimes they persuades you through and through. That sucks. Sometimes they judge you such things like "if you're using US products that means you pro to their tyranny" or "we will banish you if you like what US had created and such". But I guess, it's not just US. This world created with dark and white sides and we're basically taking only the grays, so there must be a conspiracy or I would prefer it to be called "propaganda" behind every single thing. If you're saying McDonalds is created to make profit for the US to do another invasion, then what about the other things that the other country created? Don't you think anime is mindraping so many people, preferably the youngs, not to mention how it turns so many adults into lolicons, but you never justify anything to Japan? So everyone creates their bias, it spreads and it become a theory, the theory gets wild, thus creating paranoia. It has that kind of mechanism and I think is natural because we're humans, we're created to think better and seek for what is defined by "right". Since we also have emotions, what we think affect how the way we feel. What we feel sometimes creating the urges on our desires that makes us act based only on what we feel instead of rethink about it again. Once I also wrote a note how point of view can be controlled by our ego and how our ego pushes us to persuade people to see in the same point of view as we are.

Perhaps the whole universe is God's conspiracy to select what's the worths of humans and what's not.


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