Thursday, February 3, 2011

Singapore, February 3rd, 2011
Around 7:23 PM
I am bored and ignore what my lecturer said to me to do not procrastinate. Yet I am. It's too fun, I just can't cannot procrastinate!

Note: This is a work of satire and I'm on my period moods so it's best to look for someone to bitch at. Nah, that's a lame excuse. This is a work of satire and if this annoys or insults you, I greatly apologize and don't bother reading it further. Grammar, vocab, and spelling wise, I'm a human too. I can be as stupid as these people I bash here sometimes.


So basically this is yet another trashy entry of this blog and you might as well say that this is a sequel to this previous entry on June 2010.

Hoooo boy, don't Indonesians love porn? Admit it. If you're Indonesian then you LOVE porn or you won't be wasting your time replying hate tweets to that certain minister of ours.

This is getting to the point where discussing porn in Indonesia is so amusing because first, people there are stupid and rather don't understand what purpose porn serves in the first place, and second, yes. This second point; most of our people are downright hypocrites. They're trying a little too hard to point that they aren't really interested in porn but the fact... Yeah. We all know the fact.

So yeah, and I'm human. As an ordinary humans like you are, I love to take misfortune of other people as my pleasure. And that misfortune is people being stupid and hypocrites, I bitch at them.

Let's have some insight on porn itself. Porn. Well yeah, created to serve the satisfaction of our darkest and most depraved sex-induced mind. We all know that. It's natural. We're biological beings, we have the instinct to reproduce and preserve our species. We are programmed to mate at some point of our life. Quoting to Dr. Sigmund Freud, we even subconsciously aware of this sexual necessity at early stages of our lives. So to say, porn = sex. Sex = a normal process everyone gets through in their lives. You get the idea.

Pornography supposed to be a medium to help people, especially married couple to maintain their sex lives and give them sexual education as well as "how to treat your partner right" etc, etc. But apparently... Some of em are too misguided and too shallow to think as such. Which is interesting, because this is just pointing at them on how they're nothing else than perverted and/or stupid.

I watched some videos about how porn is actually made and the people behind them. The business, the obstacles, the hardships you have to went through as a porn star, and such. It isn't fun at all, actually. In fact, you realized, porn nowadays doesn't serve any sexual purpose at all. You might say that porn is a business that strives for power and money. Just like a mafia, running some big cash-cow casino, or even a corrupted corporate and such. Since you cannot take out any rule from the Evil Rule of Three; Power+Money+Sex. So it's much more complicated than that.

But the villainous conspiracy aside, as I said the first purpose of porn is made is to enhance your sexual desire, enrich you to your sexual wisdom, and blah blah blah blah. Good side of it is porn supposed to prevent people from jumping out and hump random people on the street raping people because they're too busy watching their favorite AV idol and enjoy themselves and that "keeping your marriage alive" thing. So yeah. It does some good deeds too actually.

Buuuttt... Apparently people, especially Indonesians since I live in Indonesia most of my life (and that country is so renown from their weird quirkiness and ass-kissing habit) don't quite understand what porn actually is. No. They apparently don't understand that sex is a part of our lives! Okay, maybe they're not that "don't understand" but they deny the fact that sex is a biological thing. They see it as some taboo, gross, yet amusing guilty pleasure that you cannot reach. And that habit towards sex, my friend, is just making you stressed. Really.

I think it is okay to watch porn as long as it doesn't effect your life. Think of it like some... Watching a being humping another being. "Oh, they're copulating." So yeah. It shouldn't affect you much if you use your brain, not your dong.

"Oh... So that how it works!"

But then again. Some people just don't have enough common sense and after they watch the humping action, they decided to go out, prey innocent underage schoolgirls, lure them somewhere secluded, and... try the act. It's downright pathetic. I mean, really. Really. *facepalm* Isn't dating with your palm enough? Don't you have any other hobby? Why must you rape someone? Oh you senseless, insufferable--

And hoping that storing porn videos in your step-daughter's phone makes her wanna hump with you. Are you that desperate?

Note you, whatever there is in porn, IT IS NOT REAL. You cannot actually enact it in real life. Porn has editing. Those porn stars need some body modification which is so horrible I don't wanna start on that. They're professionals. It's their career. You're no porn star. And enact it to some random people you find on the street? Are you nuts? If you're so desperate you need to expose yourself to the real world, you have hands. Or grab a bottle and stick your thing in it. It's your responsibility for getting horny and unable to handle it. Don't drag unwilling people around. See, this is why these Indonesian people are stupid. Claiming that they were inspired by the "Ariel and Luna Porn" they just watched, they have to perform it themselves without thinking basic social human interaction. They just grab random people, freakin' rape them, and just get away with it because they were "inspired" with damn porn. How lame is that?

And what I'm gonna say next is pretty much this:

Apparently, this is the most shallowest thing I can deliver to them on how bad they are, raping people because of porn. Because I think they don't even understand about the psychological trauma their victim must through after they rape her, or they can get trouble with the authorities, or how their family will carry the shame, how this will ruin their life. They're just too stupid to understand these greater aspects of life.

So enough with stupidity (I think my IQ dropped a little bit after discussing on how stupid they are), let's talk about the hypocrites...

Tracking back to our ancestors as Indonesians, we embrace Hinduism and in Hinduism, sex is considered as a sacred thing. They build temples for fertility, they have legend, and citizens wishing for their family to be blessed and harmonious if you know what I mean. They have this "lingga" and "yoni" concept. Hell, even our National Monument is actually a giant penis inserted to a giant vagina (all courtesy of our lecherous first president). So it actually rooted in our culture, don't you think?

Well yeah, most of us now left Hinduism and so to say "we have number one most muslim populated country". In Islam, sex isn't considered a bad thing. They just have rules for it and I'd say all of them are acceptable, rational, and we I think we all should at least based on it. Have sex until married, I said yes of course. It doesn't do any harm to wait for the right time. Avoid adultery? Well of course, because adultery most definitely can causes psychological problems. Psychological problems are way harder to handle than physical problems. You may have more than one wife; well yeah you can but it clearly stated that IF YOU ARE CAPABLE TO GIVE EQUAL AND WISE AMOUNT OF SECURITY (including financial) AND COMPASSION TO YOUR WIVES then... you can. If you can't... Then you fail. If you try and fail... Then you miserably fail and I don't even know what God has in mind with you because you screwed the lives of your poor wives. So it is suggested the point of marrying more than one woman is actually... impossible.

Relating back to porn... Remember those madrasah, the Islam fanatic people, burning down Ariel and Luna's photo? I... Uh... Feel ashamed as fellow Muslim because apparently they have no common sense. Why? They fucking blocked the streets and Indonesian streets aren't that pretty because there are jams every where and what did they do? Made the jam even worse! And second... OH, COME ON. I KNOW YOU SECRETLY WANNA WATCH THE PORN. Why spreading the hate just to block out your hypocrisy? The thing is that most fanatic does this too much, it's just... Okay, I lost my words.

So let's take ourselves back on how the pornography and pornographic action amendment was made. It started with this dangdut musician, Inul with her infamous "drill" dance. Which is... a drilling movement... Ah, see it for yourself.

Well, some might consider this just a dangdut diva, being sexy, strut her stuff, and all that. But nonetheless, this led to protests, pro cons, and everything unpleasant at the moment. And came this Dangdut king turned Imam, Rhoma Irama, bashed Inul for her immodest, shameless, inappropriate, borderline blasphemy! (Okay, I'm exaggerating) dance. Then the parliament took part in that and made the purposed pornography and pornographic action amendment. It think it's legalized recently (I don't know, three or two years ago?) but naaah. It's just fail to exist.
Actually I don't even know that is the exact history of how the porn amendment came up, but that Rhoma and Inul case was one of the process on how it was created.

Oh, say hi to the obscurity of Indonesian law! :D

And anyway, the point here that Rhoma, being an Imam and all, actually had this gossip swirled around on him that he was actually "had it" with several female dangdut stars he once requited. So... You see my point here, don't you? Yeah. Him being extremely hateful to Inul and having that bad reputation around didn't exactly go well. So... Ban porn when you do pretty much the same thing as porn? What's the point?

It's like he tried to corner Inul as in like cornering his dark side that he didn't wanna expose. You just wanna get away with all the kinky stuff you are in and when you see someone that dares to expose it all (despite it's actually nothing compare to your kinky stuff), you have to corner that person because if you manage to do it, it feels like some sort of manifestation that you able to corner your kinky side, but you actually don't.

I think Disney had taught you about this (and screw your mind with it too)...

It's all psychology. We all hate psychology.

And the result for Rhoma bashing Inul? MORE RAUNCHY DANGDUT STARS APPEAR! HORRAY! 8D We got Julia Perez, Dewi Perssik, even pop celebrities follow their skankiness and whoa-hoa-hoa, bless those women for giving us fanservice and to prove that whatever the amendment is doing is not working!
And seriously, if Julia Perez considers porn star career, I will support her. I mean, really. Even her husband looks like one too, so why don't just get on with it?

Speaking of the amendment, law and such, for the recent case, there is this abominable minister that take his hate for porn to the extreme level too and spread morals, religion, across his tweets... The irony is, he is the minister of Technology and Information. Technology and Information? Internet! And you do remember a certain internet rule, right?

That's right, people, rule 34. Oh, come on now. It's a RULE. You can't scrap a RULE. If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions. Nowadays, we have all browsing convenience handled. Wanna protect your kids from accessing racy pictures and sites? Just go to browser preference, adjust parental settings, or contact your internet service provider. AS EASY AS THAT. We don't have to go all the way block sites nationally or everything. There are always better way to do so, right?

Well, porn being banned is actually not the real problem here. It's the way how he says, or should I say, tweets about how bad porn is, put extremity to it, yet the irony he is the Technology and Information Minister and there is no way we can escape rule 34 in the internet! Man, this guy still needs a lot to learn about the internet! He just goes on in a knight templar manner on how porn is eeeevuuuul and you will go to heeeeellll in the internet. Huh. Note that internet isn't really a good place for extremist-idealist like him. The thing is, he just based on simply aesop morals that even bore us at some point and take no sense on why porn should be banned and why sex is evil. He even fucking bashed people with HIV and AIDS, blame them for inappropriately "sticking their things in every places". I think that crossed the line.

It's just like our religion teacher back in our elementary school who keenly fucked our mind by saying "Every one who is not in our religion is eeeeeevviiiiiillll~"

So is porn to blame for all him being so obnoxious and irritating? Well... I don't know. Well, if you say porn and sex is bad, how come you are married with children? How do you keep it "warm" with your wife? How do you even-- Ah, fuck it. I don't even wanna know.

Do you really have to be that... unreasonable and senseless to such topic and being so extreme as if porn is still out there, the world will be screwed? I mean, porn is just porn. I told you, it's not real. Yeah, the whole explicit sex scenes might be real, but there are ways, crafted ways, to make it "looks real". It's like movies and film, or anything else that is crafted.  Hell, even before internet is created, peep shows, stripping clubs, brothel, and all of their sisters already exists! Why don't you try to educate people on the good use of the internet rather than spending so much time tweeting on how porn is eeeeeeeeviiiiiil~ Or how to put your common sense while watching porn? Because, if you act banishing and hide all your porn stash, there will be more stupid people who are curious into it and wanna try the act themselves, AGAIN.

We cannot escape rule 34. It's a fact. What we need now is how to prevent rule 34 to taking hold of our lives and/or how to manage it. Do we need another session on sex education for early teenagers regarding sex and the internet? Educate and give reason on WHY, don't just plainly say porn is evil and sex is not right. Sex is part of our life, again. Just, there are rules that we have to follow carefully, and EDUCATE. Sheesh. No wonder why Indonesian people are stupid.

Even I heard the EDUCATION MINISTER said that Sex Education is not important. HA! YOU HIT THE JACKPOT! Now we found a reason why there are stupid and senseless men out there preying on little girls to rape.

See, human has several needs to get them reach purpose of life, physical, psychological, you name it. In fact, Abraham Maslow created this conveniently pyramid-ed.

There, on the lowest part is the physiological needs whereas common physical needs are put there. Think of it like basic survival needs to keep your body intact. Sex is one of it. So yeah! We need sex as human being.

But to note there are higher needs that a human being needs to achieve greater aspect of life SO he can't just live relying on physiological things, so superficial, it doesn't make you any difference with ancient cavemen. Now, this relate to my theory on how Indonesian people lack of education, they don't even know they need upper aspects of the pyramid other than the physiological where they just need to eat, breath, and have fucking sex.

So I think we reached conclusion here. Insufferable extremists and hypocrites handle the greater role in the society, leaving the lower class people like us, the normal citizen, abandoned without proper education whatsoever. Resulting in misinformation, repressed guilty pleasure, and more hypocrisy among us. Porn and sex is just the poor victim of it. I can actually go further. But nah, it's too much too handle and futile because apparently they are just too dimwitted to understand. So to anyone out there who happen to read this blog, don't even dare trying to act like these people I just bitch at. Be something useful, and after that, find people like these people I just talked about and bitch at them too. World will be happier.


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